Leon 1 Year

Dear Leon,

I hope that one day, when you are older, you will read this with a full heart.  A heart that has learned to live, love, and change the world for the better.  If not, that's ok too.  Because who ever you are when you read this, is exactly who you are meant to be.  

I am in awe of how much you have grown.  Sometimes you look so big I can't even believe it and other times you look so small I feel like you are still 6 months old, withmore hair. 

You like to talk with your hands, especially when I say 'no' and you try and state your case with your hand raised and your fingers touching.  Sometimes when you're cranky you skip the defense and just go for the gold and try to cry your way out.  Either one is cute, because, well, you're a baby.

I am encouraged by your ability to learn something new every day.  

You aren't walking yet and I kind of worry but at the same time I know you'll do that when you are good and ready.  Mostly because I believe you're a strong willed baby and know what you want.  Even at one year.

I love how affectionate you are and show your emotions accordingly.  I can tell you will be sensitive to your emotions.  And for that I am grateful.

Your excitement upon seeing dad when he walks in from work makes my heart skip a beat.  You love when he tickles you and plays until you literally knock out from exhaustion.  I love that makes you laugh until you can't handle it anymore.

I love when you scrunch your nose and smile at me.  And how you play with water.  

But most of all I love who you are right now at this point in your life.  A very smiley, happy, playful, and inquisitive baby.

Just know that my life is forever changed because you are in it now.  I love you and wish you the best on your birthday.  A day that deserves to be celebrated! 

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